BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS: Helping Refugee Children Access Inclusive Education
Humanity & Inclusion Partnership in Zarqa,Jordan
Project Overview
The Anita Mendiratta Foundation proudly funded a transformative pilot project in 2022-2023, in collaboration with Humanity & Inclusion, to enhance access to education for Syrian refugee and Jordanian children with disabilities in Zarqa, Jordan. This project built on existing Early Intervention and Community-Based Rehabilitation services in Zarqa, creating a foundation for early childhood education in one of Jordan’s regions most impacted by the Syrian refugee crisis. AMF provided funding of £13,800, covering educational access, transportation, and support services to help children and their families overcome the barriers they face in accessing inclusive learning environments.

Through our funding, Humanity & Inclusion implemented several key activities to ensure that children with disabilities, aged 4-6, could access quality education suited to their unique needs. Key actions included:
Enrolment Support: Facilitation of enrolment for beneficiaries in early learning centres or schools, covering fees and transportation costs to ensure consistent attendance.
Training and Capacity Building: Training for 148 Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) volunteers and Early Intervention (EI) specialists to develop inclusive education skills, equipping them to support both children and teachers effectively.
School Assessments: Evaluation of local schools and early learning centres to create support plans and improve long-term inclusive education practices.
Accessible Transport: Providing 15 children with accessible transport to attend school.
This pilot project benefited 55 children with disabilities in Zarqa. Through community identification and support, the project ensured these children received consistent education and support suited to their developmental needs.

This project was designed to be a model for scaling inclusive education across Jordan, aligning with Jordan’s 10-year strategy for inclusive education. By closely engaging with Jordanian governmental agencies and supporting policy efforts, we contributed to building capacity for disability-inclusive education at multiple levels. The project generated robust data and reports to inform future interventions and foster government and community commitment, ensuring a foundation for continued support and growth in inclusive education.
Through this project, the Anita Mendiratta Foundation is proud to have set in motion lasting, impactful change, empowering children with disabilities to access education and creating brighter, more inclusive futures for Jordan’s most vulnerable communities.